26 Things To Add To Your Social Media Calendar in May
4 min readMay 1, 2019
Maintaining a consistent posting schedule on social media — whether it’s writing blog posts, or sharing updates on social media channels — can be a challenge.
By creating a monthly social media calendar where you map out content in advance you can ensure you’ll have a ready supply of things to share on social media.
To help you fill your calendar this month, I’ve put together a list of things happening in May. Use these as inspiration for blog posts, graphics, videos, and social media updates.
1. Wednesday, May Day #MayDay
1. Wednesday, International Workers Day #IntWorkersDay
2. Thursday, World Password Day #WorldPasswordDay
3. Friday, World Press Freedom Day #WPFD2019 #PressFreedom
3. Friday, Space Day #SpaceDay
4. Saturday, Star Wars Day #StarWarsDay & #Maythe4thBeWithYou
4. Saturday, International Firefighters Day #InternationalFirefightersDay
5. Sunday, Cinco de Mayo #CincoDeMayo
6. Monday, National Nurses Day #NursesDay
7. Tuesday, World Asthma Day #WorldAsthmaDay
7. Tuesday, Thank a Teacher Day #ThankATeacher
8. Wednesday, National Receptionist Day #NationalReceptionistDay
9. Thursday, Europe Day #EuropeDay
12. Sunday, National Limerick Day #NationalLimerickDay
12. Sunday, Mother’s Day #MothersDay
15. Wednesday, International Day of Families #FamilyDay
16. Thursday, Love a Tree Day #LoveATreeDay
17. Friday, International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia #IDAHOT2019
17. Friday, National Bike to Work Day #BTWD
17. Friday, Endangered Species Day #EndangeredSpeciesDay
21. Tuesday, National Memo Day #NationalMemoDay
24. Friday, National Scavenger Hunt Day #NationalScavengerHuntDay
27. Monday, Memorial Day #MemorialDay #MDW
28. Tuesday, Hamburger Day #NationalHamburgerDay
29. Wednesday, Paperclip Day #PaperclipDay
31. Friday, World No-Tobacco Day #NoTobacco
31. Friday, Heat Awareness Day #NoFryDay
Images sourced from Pixabay, Unsplash and Freepik