Make Every Word Count With WordCounter

Marie Ennis-O'Connor
2 min readFeb 6, 2022

My cool tool recommendation for this week is a simple one, but one I find extremely useful when it comes to writing content.

Although WordCounter is a simple tool, it is an invaluable one for writers.

WordCounter — Count Words & Correct Writing

Knowing the word count of a text can be important. For example, if you have to write a minimum or maximum amount of words for an article, report, etc., WordCounter will help to make sure its word count reaches a specific requirement or stays within a certain limit.

Apart from counting words and characters, WordCounter can help you to improve word choice and writing style, and, optionally, help you to detect grammar mistakes and plagiarism.

You can also copy and paste text from another program over into the online editor above. The Auto-Save feature will make sure you won’t lose any changes while editing, even if you leave the site and come back later.

In addition, WordCounter shows you the top 10 keywords and keyword density of the article you’re writing. This allows you to know which keywords you use how often and at what percentages. This can…



Marie Ennis-O'Connor
Marie Ennis-O'Connor

Written by Marie Ennis-O'Connor

Social Media Consultant. Keynote Speaker. Digital Storyteller.

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