Into Z Future: Here’s What To Know About The Creative Habits Of Generation Z

Marie Ennis-O'Connor
4 min readJun 15, 2019


“Into Z Future Understanding Generation Z, the Next Generation of Super Creatives”

Social platform Snap Inc has partnered with JWT Intelligence to release a new report on the creative habits and characteristics of Generation Z and it makes for some fascinating reading.

You can download the full report here, but if you’re short on time and looking for the digested read, then read on to get a flavor of a new generation of “Super Creatives: the supercharged multidisciplinary future of creative talent. And your new consumers.”

Who Are Gen Z?

“Into Z Future Understanding Generation Z, the Next Generation of Super Creatives”

Aged between 13 and 22 years old, Gen Z are the hyper-connected, highly opinionated generation, moved to activism as the internet and social media landscape has made them acutely conscious of and concerned about world events.

Having lived in an era of overall progress when it comes to issues like marriage equality and body positivity, they’re forging new territory in broader conversations about identity; this is the cohort of gender fluidity and inclusivity in all its forms.

Creative Activists

Gen Z have fun with emojis and memes, but they also use their creativity to highlight causes they care about: charities, campaigns, movements and more. They are leveraging social apps to build communities and creative endeavors that are intertwined with a passion for advocacy, art, or entrepreneurship.

“Into Z Future Understanding Generation Z, the Next Generation of Super Creatives”

Humor and entertainment are top motivators for Gen Z to create and consume on social media. They’re buoyed by creative freedom in communication and a penchant for efficiency. No meme, emoji, or digital wordplay is deemed inappropriate or unprofessional when it comes to getting the message across, whether it’s a social cause or an inside joke.

Unlike any generation before them, they’ve grown up expressing themselves online. They lean towards images over extensive text. They like to layer hand-drawn illustrations over digital imagery. They combine influences from all corners of the world, and thus they are curators of the digital space, and montage it to create new things rather than making brand new things from scratch.

Creative expression once meant producing an original work molded by one’s imagination and the limitations of the physical experience. Now, gen Zers are evolving the definition, thanks to their digital intuition and limitless inspiration from the internet.

“Into Z Future Understanding Generation Z, the Next Generation of Super Creatives”

“Whatever they’re doing, whether it’s a caption or a comment, it’s always tethered to something that’s visual and creative.” Molly Logan, Irregular Labs

If appropriate tools for creative expression are not available within any given app, they’ll add them. In JWT Intelligence’s survey, 27% of respondents say they’ve hacked an app to do something that isn’t normally feasible, whether it’s using an editing tool to add in a collage or an audio app to layer in music.

What shapes the visual codes of gen Zers?

Influenced by everything from gaming culture to music to memes to just plain fun, members of this generation are unafraid to alter their images online to create new characters and avatars.

Generation Be Yourself

“Into Z Future Understanding Generation Z, the Next Generation of Super Creatives”

Self-expression can take many forms online, but for Gen Z, social causes like LGBTQ issues, body positivity, and mental health are increasingly at the core.

They’re redefining gender identities and breaking beauty norms, going beyond tutorials and selfies to establish more multifaceted personas.

Jude Valentin is the 22-year-old Latinx YouTuber behind Mermaid Queen Jude, a channel where she promotes body positivity and self-acceptance. Valentin credits social media and selfie culture with helping her gain more confidence in the online arena despite her struggles with self-image and identity.

Key Takeway

Gen Z is the next generation of customers, so it’s worth getting an understanding of these key trends in order to maximize your marketing approach.

“Into Z Future Understanding Generation Z, the Next Generation of Super Creatives” report here.

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