How Broken Links Affect Your SEO
Broken links hurt your SEO — Why you need to fix this right away
Did you know that broken links on your website are sending signals to Google that your website is old and outdated and perhaps even untrustworthy?
Broken links or dead links are hyperlinks on a webpage that are no longer functional. They can negatively impact your SEO by impacting bounce rate (the percentage of visitors that navigate away from a particular site after viewing only one page) and time on site, two factors that directly affect SEO.
Finding broken links is the first step to fixing them. This can be done in a number of ways. One is to use a tool like Dr. Link Checker.
It’s very simple to use. Simply type in the url of your site and let the link checker go to work.
This shows me a list of the broken links on my own website that I need to fix. A majority of these link to dead external sites. This makes sense since I originally linked out to speaking engagements and the conference and meeting sites have been taken down. In this case, I have no choice but to delete the hyperlink since I have no control over external links.
When it comes to internal links, I have control over them, and it’s good SEO practice to review content and correct broken links immediately.