Get Your Writing Game On Point This National Proofreading Day

Let’s celebrate the art of proofreading with these tips to elevate your writing skills.

Marie Ennis-O'Connor
5 min readMar 8, 2023

March 8th is a special day for those who appreciate the value of clear, error-free writing. It is Proofreading Day, a day set aside to celebrate the unsung heroes of the writing world — proofreaders.

Charles Dickens described proofreaders as having “… much natural intelligence, much-superadded cultivation, considerable readiness of reference, quickness of resource, an excellent memory, and a clear understanding.”

But proofreading is not just reserved for professionals — it’s an essential skill for anyone who wants to write effectively online.

Credibility on the web is enhanced by writing clear, persuasive copy.

In this article, I’ve compiled eight tips and techniques that can help you improve your proofreading skills and enhance the credibility of your online writing.

So, let’s dive in and discover how you can make your writing shine on this National Proofreading Day!

1. Proofreading Requires Concentration And Focus

