50 Things To Post On Social Media In June

Keep your followers engaged all month long with these suggested topics.

Marie Ennis-O'Connor
5 min readMay 31, 2023

Having a monthly social media calendar is useful as it offers pre-planned content to share each month. To help kickstart your June content planning, I’ve put together the following list of ideas that will inspire your blog posts, graphics, videos, and social media updates.

1. International Children’s Day #ChildrensDay

1. Global Day of Parents #GlobalDayOfParents

1. National Go Barefoot Day #NationalGoBarefootDay

1. National Nail Polish Day #NailPolishDay

1. Wear a Dress Day #WearADressDay

1. World Milk Day #WorldMilkDay

1. Pen Pal Day #PenPalDay

1. National Tailors Day #NationalTailorsDay

2. National Rotisserie Chicken Day #NationalRotisserieChickenDay

2. National Rocky Road Day #NationalRockyRoadDay

3. National Egg Day #NationalEggDay

3. World Cider Day #WorldCiderDay

3. European Bicycle Day #EuropeanBicycleDay

3. Chocolate Macaroon Day #ChocolateMacaroonDay

4. National Cheese Day #NationalCheeseDay

4. International Corgi Day #InternationalCorgiDay

4. National Cancer Survivor’s Day #NCSD2023

5. National Gingerbread Day #NationalGingerbreadDay

5. Sausage Roll Day #SausageRollDay

5. National Veggie Burger Day #NationalVeggieBurgerDay

5. World Environment Day #WorldEnvironmentDay

5. Hot Air Balloon Day #HotAirBalloonDay

6. Higher Education Day #HigherEducationDay

7. Chocolate Ice Cream Day #ChocolateIceCreamDay

8. World Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay

8. Best Friends Day #BestFriendsDay

10. National Ballpoint Pen Day #NationalBallPointPenDay

10. National Iced Tea Day #NationalIcedTeaDay

12. National Red Rose Day #NationalRedRoseDay

12. Peanut Butter Cookie Day #PeanutButterCookieDay

12. International Falafel Day #InternationalFalafelDay

14. Strawberry Shortcake Day #StrawberryShortcakeDay

16. National Fudge Day #NationalFudgeDay

17. Apple Strudel Day #AppleStrudelDay

18. National Go Fishing Day #NationalGoFishingDay

18. International Picnic Day #InternationalPicnicDay

19. Juneteenth (Freedom Day) #Juneteenth

19. National Watch Day #NationalWatchDay

20. World Refugee Day #WithRefugees

20. National Seashell Day #NationalSeashellDay

21. National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay

21. World Music Day #WorldMusicDay

22. Chocolate Eclair Day #ChocolateEclairDay

23. Typewriter Day #TypewriterDay

24. Swim a Lap Day #SwimALapDay

26. Beautician’s Day #BeauticianDay

26. Chocolate Pudding Day #ChocolatePuddingDay

27. Sunday, National Sunglasses Day #NationalSunglassesDay

27. National Bingo Day #NationalBingoDay

30. Wednesday, Social Media Day #SMDay

