48 Things To Post On Social Media In May

Need social media content ideas for May? Check out these suggested topics.

Marie Ennis-O'Connor
5 min readMay 1, 2023

Are you having trouble keeping up with your content calendar?

A monthly calendar can be a game changer as it provides a pre-planned supply of content to share to inspire your social media posting. To help kickstart your May content planning, I’ve put together a list of ideas that will inspire your blog posts, graphics, videos, and social media updates.

Take a look at this list, get creative with your ideas, and keep your followers engaged all month long!

May 1: #MayDay

May 3:World Press Freedom Day #PressFreedom

May 4: Star Wars Day #StarWarsDay & #Maythe4thBeWithYou



Marie Ennis-O'Connor
Marie Ennis-O'Connor

Written by Marie Ennis-O'Connor

Social Media Consultant. Keynote Speaker. Digital Storyteller. https://hcsmmonitor.com

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