45 Things To Post On Social Media In September As the leaves start to change and the air gets crisper, it’s time to refresh your feed with some new content for September. Ready to make a splash in September on your social media channels?
These awareness days I’ve curated in this article will help you fuel your content calendar. Whether you’re crafting compelling blog posts, designing eye-catching graphics, producing engaging videos, or simply looking to spice up your social media updates, there’s something to inspire you.
1. Pink Cadillac Day #PinkCadillacDay 1. World Letter Writing Day #WorldLetterWritingDay 5. International Day of Charity #CharityDay 8. International Literacy Day #LiteracyDay 9. International Sudoku Day #InternationalSudokuDay 10. World First Aid Day #WorldFirstAidDay 13. International Chocolate Day #International Chocolate Day 15. International Day of Democracy #DemocracyDay 16. Tattoo Story Day #TattooStoryDay 17. Batman Day #BatmanDay 17. International Eat An Apple Day #InternationalEatAnAppleDay 17. World Patient Safety Day #WorldPatientSafetyDay 18. Rice Krispies Treats Day #RiceKrispiesTreatsDay 18. International Equal Pay Day #EqualPayDay 21. International Day of Peace #PeaceDay 22. Hobbit Day #HobbitDay 23. International Day of Sign Languages #DayofSignLanguages 23. Apple Cider Vinegar Day #AppleCiderVinegarDay 24. Bluebird of Happiness Day #BluebirdofHappinessDay 24. International Rabbit Day #InternationalRabbitDay 25. World Pharmacists Day #WorldPharmacistsDay 26. Alpaca Day #AlpacaDay 26. European Languages Day #EuropeanLanguagesDay 26. Oktoberfest #Oktoberfest 27. World Tourism Day #WorldTourismDay 28. Ask a Stupid Question Day #AskAStupidQuestionDay 28. International Poke Day #InternationalPokeDay 29. Confucius Day #ConfuciusDay 29. Biscotti Day #BiscottiDay 29. World Heart Day #WorldHeartDay 30. International Translation Day #InternationalTranslationDay